Human Performance Specialist at Integrated Training

Dave is a specialist in stress mitigation, recovery and mental preparedness for athletes, innovators, leaders and those in the pursuit of optimising their health and performance.

Dave has an in-depth understanding of the human body systems and how they are interconnected and the importance of balancing the body for sustainable peak physical and mental performance.

Dave combines theory-based knowledge and practical experiences gained from 12 years as an Intensive Care Paramedic and Professional Ocean Lifeguard. In these roles, he was required to respond with high acuity to high pressure situations and critically unwell patients. In these roles he acquired and honed his skills in stress mitigation and ability to remain calm and focused under pressure.

Dave runs his own business in human performance, mentoring some of the world’s most elite level athletes in a diverse range of sports from the UFC, sailing and football, to name just a few. He has worked alongside organisations and companies, ranging in professions from lawyers, firefighters, navy personnel and web designers. The foundation of human performance is the same no matter the task.


Optimise key body systems to regulate your stress response and supercharge your ability to execute under pressure. Fully tailored to the unique requirements of your group.

Our world-leading Calm Under Pressure workshop is the same mind and body training that we use to prepare our elite-level athletes. It will help you optimise your health and performance at work, the sports field, or your personal life. Learn how to

use stress to your advantage by better controlling your bodys response to stress in dynamic settings, improving focus, creativity, strength, and endurance.
The workshop is a unique combination of theory, skill acquisition, and practical applications to create substantial, sustainable change.