Bluestone Owner / Global CHRO

Andrea is the co-owner of Bluestone Estate and a seasoned global Chief Human Resources Officer with extensive experience across the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. With a career in blue-chip globals, Andrea has led multiple large-scale business and HR transformations, focusing on human centered change that prioritizes culture, leadership, and talent. She is also an experienced non-executive director.

Andrea’s leadership in gender diversity has earned her numerous accolades, and she is often invited to speak at women’s leadership events. She is expert in strategy aligned cultural transformation, managing organizational change and building high performing teams.

Andrea delivers powerful presentations and workshops in:

Authentic leadership - Too many leaders fall into the trap of trying to be something they are not. The downside is that employees can spot an inauthentic leader a mile off!  With the turbulence and competing pressures of business today, being an authentic leader takes insight and courage. In this session Andrea draws on leadership philosophy and a values based leadership model to help leaders dial up their authenticity. The pay off is significant with improved  leadership effectiveness and significantly increased folllowership.

The Power of She/Her - Despite the very real business benefits, after all these years of gender diversity, we haven’t made much progress! Research shows us that women’s unequal representation in business isn’t a women’s issue. It’s about men and women working together on the problem to find solutions that work and stick.  This facilitated team session explores the challenges women still face in the workforce and what the collective leadership of the executive team can do to truly shift the needle. 

A Fireside Chat - Andrea’s wealth of experience in global companies and geographies provides an opportunity for an interesting, thought provoking and candid  Q and A session. This is an opportunity for leadership teams to learn from an experienced transformation CHRO, and no question is off limits!

She is also available during your retreat for 1 on 1 executive coaching sessions.